• USA, 75% of 50 million
  • UK, 12% of 50 million
  • Jamaica, 8% of 50 million
  • Canada, 5% of 50 million
  • population by the millions


Around 125 million people of African origin live outside the black continent. Among the English speaking nations, Canada, America, Jamaica, and the U.K hold the largest African diaspora populations totaling roughly 50 million descendants of African enslaved persons.

Like the United States, the UK, Canada and the Caribbean has its own history of  black slavery. Ship-owners transported enslaved West Africans to the New World to be sold there. Some entrepreneurs brought slaves to Britain, where they were kept in bondage, branded and forced to hard labor much in the same way black slaves were forced to hard labor in cotton fields and plantations in British colonies in North America. Black slavery in Canada came to replace Indigenous slavery after the British conquest of New France in 1763.

Human rights education and advocate, Anthony N Morgan, “For 400 years Africans were enslaved to do the colonizers’ domestic chores, including, cooking, cleaning, and childcare, as well as undertake the arduous and dangerous tasks of clearing wooded lands, hunting, building structures, and providing all forms of general labor and servitude.”

All unpaid. All documented facts. Why then are governments reluctant to pay reparations to black people?

Human rights education and advocate, Anthony N Morgan, “Canadians have been able to resolve practical questions and support the writing of reparations cheques when it comes to other communities against whom Canada or other states have been implicated in causing horrific human rights abuses. This includes Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, Chinese people and descendants forced to pay the Chinese head tax, victims of Japanese internment and, more recently, survivors of Indian Residential Schools. As such, it’s reasonable to infer that official refusal and public opposition to providing reparations to Black people in Canada is simply an expression of blatant anti-Black racism, both direct and systemic.”

Reparations for black people is not only owed but fundamental to the survival of the descendants of the African race. What are you going to do about it? Let’s get started!     Get educated – take the African diaspora tour!




Racism beget inequality, inequality begets poverty and these three are inarguably pursuant to the black condition. History teaches us that black poverty stems from years and years of oppression. For example, if your great-great-great-grandmother was oppressed and not paid for her work, then she would have nothing of material value to pass down to her children, and if her children fell victim to oppression they too would have nothing to pass down to their kids, and if the cycle of oppression repeats itself over and over again, black people in this day and age would have nothing much of material worth – which they don’t. In other words, due to generational oppression of the relatives of African enslaved persons, the majority of black people today don’t own any land or property and are broke, down and out and under water. We as a society are responsible for fixing the wealth gap between black and non-black people. It is the right thing to do. It is the moral thing to do. It is the human thing to do.

Exactly how bad is the wealth gap between blacks and whites? The Center For American Progress, “the persistent racial wealth gap leaves African Americans in an economically precarious situation and creates a vicious cycle of economic struggle. The lack of sufficient wealth means blacks are less economically mobile and therefore unable to grow their wealth over time. Policy levers such as improved access to higher education alone, while important, will not be enough to create equal opportunity in terms of wealth-building for all.”

The importance of slavery reparations is clearly representative in the black condition. What are you going to do about it? Let’s get started!     Get educated – take the African diaspora tour!